
Weekday Minyan Services

The daily weekday Minyan for Shacharit takes place Sunday through Friday at 8:15 am at Lubavitch of Arkansas headquarters 11905 Fairview Road • Little Rock, AR 72212

Should you have a group coming in, we will be more that happy to accommodate you. Please contact us.

There is a Mincha Minyan at 4:45 PM

Maariv Minyan at 8:00 PM


Friday Night Shabbat Services

Friday night: We begin 10 minutes after candle lighting time. Please call for an exact time if needed - 501-217-0053

Shabbat Minyan Services

Shabbat day services take place Saturdays at 10:00 a.m. followed by a Kiddush at Lubavitch of Arkansas headquarters 11905 Fairview Road • Little Rock, AR 72212 See our calendar for details