- Israel at WarUpdates, spiritual insights, and more. Read More
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- Unexpected MiraclesHow the Rebbe’s Teachings Transformed Me Read More
- Ross Perot, Foot Soldiers, and Bringing Redemption to the World This generation has the unique tools to unlock the path to Moshiach. Read More
Weekly Magazine
Read 18 incredible facts about Yemenite Jews
By Yehuda Altein
How well do you know the Matriarch Rebecca? Test your knowledge!
By Menachem Posner
G-d’s infinite concealment and ascent is just as accessible as G-d’s infinite revelation and descent.
By Eli Rubin
Quantum logic helps explain a halachic ruling of Maimonides, a puzzling story of the Talmud, a Midrash about the splitting of the Sea of Reeds, and a rabbinic teaching about the relationship between Torah and existence.
By Tzvi Freeman
Chabad Updates
Daily Thought
Pharaoh’s advisers tried hard to explain away all the plagues.
Even when the Red Sea split, allowed the Jews free passage, and drowned their enemies, there were those who ascribed the entire event to natural causes.
Such is human nature, to reflexively seek out a natural explanation for every event.
But a Jew, quite the opposite, ponders a natural occurrence and sees a miracle.
Because a Jew has an innate inner conviction that there is nothing else...
Daily Study
Chumash with Rashi
Beshalach, 7th Portion (Shemot (Exodus) 17:1-17:16...
Chapters 55-59
Likutei Amarim, end of Chapter 22
- Rambam
- Hayom Yom

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This Week's Parshah
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Excerpts from the Rebbe’s First Chassidic Discourse